In spring 2009, Dr. Brankovic (UH) and Miss. Sara Castillo (North Shore Senior High) have started a joint educational outreach program. The North Shore Senior High School is located in the north-west of Houston metropolitan area and significant part of its student population (>55%) represent economically disadvantaged and minority students. The goal of the program is to enrich the high school students with scientific topics that are beyond the regular high school chemistry curriculum. A part of the program activities are designed to infuse the high school students with experience of the university environment, campus life and the research based education. In spring 2009, the first 20 high school students have visited UH and Dr. Brankovic lab where they participated in different experiments and lectures, discussions and tour of the UH campus. The summary of the activities during this visit is provided in the video material/clips below, and the pdf of Dr. Brankovic’s lecture can be downloaded here (PDF).