Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Chemistry
N 308 Engineering Building
Houston, Texas 77204-4005
Phone: 713-743-4409
Fax: 713-743-4444
B.S.E., Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1994.
Ph.D., Science and Engineering of Materials, Arizona State University, 1999.
Awards and Honors:
. | 2018 | Best Fundamental Paper in 2017 from AIChE-South Texas Section |
. | 2017 | The Electrodeposition Research Award of The Electrochemical Society |
. | 2017 – present | Chair of the Electrodeposition Division of the Electrochemical Society |
. | 2015 – 2017 | Chair of the Electrochemical Material Science Division of The International Society of Electrochemistry, |
. | 2010 | NSF-The Faculty Early Career Development Award (NSF-CAREER), |
. | 2010 | University of Houston Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, |
. | 2009 | Cullen College of Engineering Junior Faculty Research Award, |
. | 1997 – 1998 | Arizona State University Graduate Scholarship, |
. | 1993 – 1994 | Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Student Fellow, |
. | 1992 – 1994 | Paja S. Tutundzic Foundation Student Fellow |
Previous Appointments:
- Seagate Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA, 2001-2005.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 2000-2001.
Research Areas:
- Electrochemical Thin Film Growth, Magnetic Materials and Nanostructures, Nanofabrication,
- Electrocatalysis, Sensors, Physics and Thermodynamics of Electrified Interfaces.
Academic Standing:
Courses Instructed:
- Alternative Energy Conversion and Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Fuel Cells and Super-capacitors (ECE 6397)
- Electrochemical Synthesis of Functional Materials (ECE 6397)
- Electrochemical Thin Film Growth (ECE 6397)
- Electrochemical Nanofabrication Technology (ECE 6397)
- Material Science of Thin Films (ECE 6348)
- Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering (CHEE 6397), Guest lecturer
- Introduction to Nanoscale Design and Eng. (ECE 5397/6397), Guest lecturer.
- Introduction to Design and Fabrication of Nanoscale Devices (ECE 5314/6314)
- Electrical Circuits (ECE 2300)
- Computer Problem Solving (ECE 1331)
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering (ECE 1100)